We Repair Storm Damaged Cars, Trucks and SUVs

Some of us are still cleaning up from the wicked weather that blew through Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties last week. Like a car accident, the most important piece is that everyone is okay. Our possessions can always be repaired. We see some wild examples of the effects of Mother Nature’s fury here at the…

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AAA’s 100 Deadliest Days Have Begun

Now that you have read the title, know that things don’t get much more cheery from here. AAA’s 100 Deadliest Days refers to the days from late spring through the end of summer wherein teen drivers are driving more, driving later into the evening and ultimately dying and causing more death from behind the wheel.…

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It’s Nice to Be Thanked

We are feeling all warm and fuzzy today as the cold temps begin to break and buds look to be blossoming on trees throughout Chester County. We have been wrapping up some projects over the past few weeks and have gotten some very nice compliments from clients as we have returned their vehicles. In checking…

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Seatbelts are Good for your Health

Each year in Pennsylvania, about 85,000 people are injured in car accidents. About 1200 folks die each year in car accidents. Amazingly enough, after all of the education and information out there about seatbelts saving lives and police enforcement programs such as “Click it or Ticket,” there are tons of people who still do not…

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Welcome to Our New Website

At Conestoga Collision, we are pleased to announce the launch our brand new website. As you may have noticed, we have also redesigned the Conestoga Collision logo! We welcome your opinion on our new online digs. We would also like to remind folks that we have merged with our longtime sister business, Easttown Collision, a…

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Reason #5024 Not to Drink and Drive

Everyone knows that it is very dangerous to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. This is not news. Alcohol reduces reaction time, adversely affects decision making and can also inhibit vision and balance. Accidents that result from DUI are in the thousands across the US year in and year out. Most of us know…

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Slow Down. Heads Up. It’s Deer and Wet Leaf Season!

So maybe deer and wet leaf season may not be a legitimate thing, but fall does bring with it  a number of dangers on Main Line area roads. The first and arguably most dangerous element of fall driving in the Northeastern US is deer. Hungry, sex crazed deer to be exact. During the fall months,…

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Teen Driving Fatalities Spike in the Summer Months

We suppose it is no surprise that teen driving fatalities spike 26% in the summer months. During this time of the year, it is more likely that teens are spending time with friends and therefore driving with more passengers in their vehicles than on an average day in fall or winter. More passengers equals more…

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Loving the Yelp Reviews

From Ramona of Bryn Mawr Recently had the occasion to need autobody repair and went to Conestoga based upon a friends recommendation. Their quotation for the work was very reasonable and I ultimately brought my car there. I was very pleased with the result. The work was done on time and at the quoted price.…

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Happy Memorial Day from Conestoga Collision!

From all of the techs, office staff and ownership at Conestoga Collision, we would like to wish you a Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend! We invite you to take some time this weekend to recognize that this is not just a day of barbecues and beaches. Please remember those who made the greatest of…

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