It’s Thanksgiving at Conestoga Collision
It’s Thanksgiving at Conestoga Collision and we have lots and lots to be thankful for! No shop has better customers or a more dedicated staff than Conestoga and for that we thank all of you who continue to make us the best option for auto body repair in the area. This Thanksgiving, please remember that…
Read MoreOh, Deer!
Why did the deer cross the road? Well, that is a complex question which requires a thorough examination of any number of contributing factors. One could mention urban expansion and a decline in food sources and habitat. Rutting (the annual mating period wherein deer tend to cover more ground in search of a breeding partner)…
Read MorePost Hurricane Flood Cars Hit the Market
Sometimes tragedy begets a miracle. Other times, tragedy begets more tragedy. The floodwaters from Hurricane Florence have yet to fully recede in some parts of the Carolinas. Once they do, it will be time for all of those affected to rebuild their homes, their businesses and their lives. Even before the last drop has dried…
Read MoreBack to School at Conestoga Collision
Even though the thermometer may beg to differ, it would appear that summer is making its exit by the looks of the school buses moving up and down Lancaster Ave. This week, the kids , faculty and staff in the Tredyffin-Easttown School District went back to school. As we manage to squeeze the remaining drops…
Read MoreThe Importance of Pre and Post Repair Scans
There is currently a debate in our industry over the necessity of pre-repair and post repair scans, so we feel it is important to let you know where we stand. First off, what are pre-repair and post repair scans? Simply put, it is the scanning of your vehicle’s computer before the repair is started and…
Read MoreHappy 4th of July Weekend(s)!
So far, it’s been a busy summer here at the shop. Now as we we move into July, we would like to remind everyone to celebrate safely. There are effectively two 4th of July weekends this year and there is no doubt that we will all have our fill of fun, food and fireworks over…
Read MoreSummer, is that You?
This weekend marks the unofficial start of summer because no one is waiting until the third week of June to grill a burger or two. As we have for many years, we would like to remind folks of AAA’s ongoing awareness campaign, “100 Deadliest Days.” Yes it is a bit jarring to read and that…
Read MoreExperience. Dedication. Precision.
Experience. Dedication. Precision. This is our code here at the shop. Conestoga Collision was established in 2009, when Peter Hutchinson and Max Keller decided to partner in this endeavor we made a commitment to focus on three core principles: Experience Dedication and Precision. Our experience speaks for itself. Our ownership has a combined sixty years’…
Read MoreAccording to a New AAA Survey, You are Likely Doing Something Bad on the Roads
It’s okay. We already know, so you do not have to be bashful. Just own up to it. Be honest and do your best to curb that behavior as best you can. A recent AAA survey suggests some very concerning trends: The number of drivers who report using a cellphone behind the wheel has jumped…
Read MoreSafety First (Second and Third, too)
Our industry has never been more hyper concerned with safety than it is in 2018, and appropriately so, quite frankly. As we have pointed out previously, there are not a lot of local repair shops that are certified by American Honda Motor Co., ICAR Gold Class certified and show an A+ rating with the Better…
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