Happy Earth Day from Conestoga Collision
Folks may not think of a collision and paint shop as a business that could even manage to be slightly eco-friendly. Those folks would be incorrect. It is indeed possible and at Conestoga Collision, we make an enormous effort to be as Earth friendly as possible. Here are just some of the measures we’ve taken:…
Read MoreNews from Conestoga Collision
You may have noticed the renovations going on at Conestoga Collision over the past year. We have been in need of more room at our facility especially since our merger with Easttown Collision this past year. We are very proud of our updated office, paint booths and collision repair areas. Come by and see for…
Read MoreHow Distracted are you While Driving?
At Conestoga Collision, we deal with fixing the aftermath of vehicle accidents and collisions. Very often, we hear about what contributed to these accidents. “I was looking in the rearview mirror at my child fidgeting in his safety seat.” “The woman behind me was texting and ran into my bumper.” “I was reaching for my…
Read MoreNo One is Going Anywhere on Ice
All week there have been images all over the news shows from Atlanta of tied up highways and travelers stranded due to icy roads. Of course they also have to show the obligatory shots of cars sliding sideways down a hill into a median, pole or another vehicle. Always a good time as long as…
Read MoreSlow Down! Yeah You!
It is snowy out there and only getting snowier. Berwyn, Paoli, Malvern and Devon are covered with several inches of the white stuff and it appears as though there is another 6 to 10 inches of snow to come if the weather folks are to be believed. As the operators of a busy Main Line…
Read MoreHappy New Year from the Staff and Owners of Conestoga Collision
As we close one year and prepare for the dawn of another, all of the staff and owners of Conestoga Collision would like to wish you and your family a Happy and SAFE New Year. We thank all of our customers for making 2013 a great year for our business. We were able to remodel…
Read MoreWinter Driving Tips from Conestoga Collision and AAA
Day in and day out, all of us here at Conestoga Collision work with the aftermath of folks not exercising caution on the roads. In the winter months, things tend to get especially dicey. It is not yet even winter yet (as far as the calendar is concerned) and those of us on the Main…
Read MoreThe Owners and Staff at Conestoga Collision wish You a Happy Thanksgiving
Hey everyone! We hope all of you are enjoying the beginning of this holiday season! All of us at Conestoga Collision would like to wish all of you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Given all of the crazy weather we have had and will have before the weekend is through, we invite you all to…
Read MoreThe Driving Selfie: Meet Me at the Intersection of Narcissism and Stupidity
Railing against the fads of the younger generation is a favorite pastime of those of us, well, not of the younger generation. This time, however, it is a tad more serious. We are not here to simply grimace over the newest music, bare midriffs or skateboarding in the library parking lot. No, the new fad…
Read MoreMotorcycle Inspections On The Main Line
At Conestoga Collision we are known for our dependable towing and first rate auto body repair. However, we offer much more. Did you know that we are your local motorcycle inspection station on the Main Line? If you ride Harley, Yamaha, Honda, Indian, Triumph or Kawasaki call 610-644-1000 today to make an appointment today. Though…
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