Summertime is Road Construction Time – Embrace it

There are a lot of orange signs throughout the Delaware Valley these days. If you have been making your way around these past few weeks then surely you have been slowed a bit as a result of road construction. Long term projects and short term ones alike, they appear to be everywhere. Route 30, Conestoga Road, Phoenixville Pike, Route, 29, Route 202 (of course) and the list grows to infinity from there.
Like BBQs and fireworks, road construction is a sign of summer. Some projects are best to be left until after the winter and early spring pothole season. Others are just better managed until after the school year has passed. What is clear, in any case, is that it is best that, regardless of your destination, it is best that you pack your patience. A construction zone in July can be a pretty tough place to earn a living without the sounds of honking from the cars of angered motorists. Furthermore, give these crews a brake! That’s right, fines are doubled in work zones for a reason. This is because space is often restricted and vehicles must be allowed time to leave and enter a work site without someone coming along in a Honda at 90 MPH.
Trust us. It’s far better that these projects move into high gear now as opposed to September when school buses hit the roads or January when we are generally jammed up with snow and ice.