Stop for Flashing Red Lights

In PA, the fines and penalties are relatively high for passing a school bus or in any way failing to stop when red lights are flashing. Drivers who are charged with disobeying this law could face fines of $250, a 60 day license suspension and up to 5 points on their license. Each year, kids are injured and even killed simply while getting on and off a school bus, so these penalties are not without reason.
Now that school is back in session in T/E, Radnor and Great Valley, every one of us who drives to or from work or school in the morning needs to be aware of the kids walking on the sides of roadways, active school zones and of course, buses picking up and dropping off students in our neighborhoods. Last year, 19 children were killed in the act of getting on or off a bus in the US. If you are unclear on the rules in our state, check out this graphic which shows when it is okay to NOT to stop when you see flashing red lights on a bus.