Slow Down. Heads Up. It’s Deer and Wet Leaf Season!

So maybe deer and wet leaf season may not be a legitimate thing, but fall does bring with it a number of dangers on Main Line area roads. The first and arguably most dangerous element of fall driving in the Northeastern US is deer. Hungry, sex crazed deer to be exact. During the fall months, it’s mating season for the whitetail deer here in Chester and Delaware Counties. As such they are on the move moreso than any other time of year. What’s more is that their food source begins to disappear as the weather begins to get colder. This leads to deer having to cover more ground to fill their bellies.
When we are not dodging deer on Sugartown Road, we are avoiding evil piles of wet leaves while trying to make a stop at an intersection or attempting to negotiate a curve. Without question, each year we are concerned over how many cars we see come into the shop with damage as a result of slippery roads. If you want to avoid these types of accidents, slow down and make sure your brakes and tires are in a proper state of maintenance.
We invite everyone to take it easy out there and of course, give the bus drivers a break especially in school zones!