Happy (Normal) Thanksgiving From Conestoga Collision

New Axios/Ipsos polling this week suggests that things are generally back to normal as it pertains to seeing Grandma this Thanksgiving with roughly two thirds of Americans reporting that they will be seeing family and friends this holiday season. This is a dramatic increase from where we were last year as many opted to stay home, opting for few guests (and more leftovers). With that, holiday travel and Thanksgiving Eve impromptu high school reunions at the local watering hole (Delco, ahem, we’re looking in your direction) are all back on! Accordingly, we would like to remind folks to use their best judgement as it relates to travel over the holiday. We are firm believers that, in the age of Uber and Lyft, there is simply no excuse for impaired driving.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we would like to express some gratitude to some people in our little corner of the world that make us feel as fortunate as we do. We’ve grown so much as a business over the last decade, that this year we literally outgrew our space (for the second time), opting to expand into Berwyn Collision’s former property just east of us on Lancaster Avenue. We are still in the process of settling into that space, but the new breathing room is already making us more efficient in serving our customers–which brings us back to the reason behind all of these great new changes: Our Customers. Thank you to our wonderful (and ever expanding) customer base who remains the #1 reason that we strive so hard to be the best collision shop in Pennsylvania. Your trust in our service keeps us operating at the highest level in our industry. Thank you all.
To our techs, estimators and staff–the best team in the collision and paint industry–thank you for another year of redefining excellence in this field. We are setting the bar higher every day and we are doing it together. Your dedication and professionalism is unmatched. Simply the best.
To our vendors and industry partners who keep us in a position to provide the best collision services in the Delaware Valley, we appreciate you today and every day. We understand this past year has been bumpy at times with supply chain challenges and recognize your efforts in helping us keep our word to our customers. Thank you.
To all of our friends throughout the Philadelphia area and beyond, we wish all of you a happy and safe Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing all of you throughout the holidays.