Happy Halloween from Conestoga Collision!

Neighborhoods of the Main Line will be crawling with little ghosts, zombies, princesses and super heroes this evening, so we ask everyone to please drive safely this afternoon and evening on your way home from work.
On another note, we are beginning to get into that time of year when things get a little dicier on the roads at a moment’s notice. Take last night for instance. Around 6PM, the clouds rolled in and the wind and rain whipped up making for some tricky road conditions up and down Route 30. A few downed limbs and wet leaves all over can lead to fender benders in no time.
Given that we are turning the clocks back this coming Saturday, we can tell you that the evening commute next week will naturally catch many off guard as it will be dark when most of us are leaving work for home at 5 in the afternoon. This combined with the wacky weather of fall can result in unpleasant commutes for many of us. We ask that everyone take it easy on the roads this fall and we wish all of you a Happy and Safe Halloween!