Happy Halloween from all of the Gremlins at Conestoga Collision

Tonight is truly one of our favorite nights of the year. And, it is beginning to look as though we may get a long enough break in the rain to fit in some successful trick-or-treating! We hope that all of our friends and their families have a happy and safe Halloween.
Please remember that tonight is a tricky night on the roads even in the best of conditions. It should come as no surprise that instances of pedestrian strike go through the roof on Halloween every year. Given that the roads are pretty well covered in wet leaves throughout Chesco and the Main Line, it is best to take it slooooooooow this afternoon and evening on your commute home or around town to your final destination. It is not uncommon for kids to dart into traffic on a normal Thursday afternoon. Fill them up with sugar and stick a mask on them and the chances increase significantly. Just saying.
This year, our costume is a flood-damaged Pontiac that has been repaired by our eternally-down-on-his-luck cousin—because we could not think of anything scarier.