Slow Down! Yeah You!

It is snowy out there and only getting snowier. Berwyn, Paoli, Malvern and Devon are covered with several inches of the white stuff and it appears as though there is another 6 to 10 inches of snow to come if the weather folks are to be believed.
As the operators of a busy Main Line area collision shop, we feel we are reasonably authorized to invite all of you to SLOW DOWN!
So far this winter we have seen several snow storms and other “winter events” and though we know there is a reason we call them accidents, a good deal of the damage we have seen thus far this season could have been prevented if one or several drivers had simply exercised some caution behind the wheel.
Accordingly, for the remainder of this particular storm and the remainder of the winter season for that matter, we will be inviting all of our neighbors on the Main Line to cool it on the gas and give each other a little extra room on the roads.