NoDUI July Coming to a Town Near You

PennDOT and the Pennsylvania State Police are hard charging on promoting safety on PA roadways as the summer driving season kicks into full swing. Hitting social media with #noDUIjuly, the campaign not only intends decrease alcohol and drug-related crashes and fatalities, as well as aggressive driving behavior.
From the joint press release:
According to PennDOT data, last year there were 293 alcohol-related crashes resulting in eight fatalities from Friday, July 1, to Sunday, July 10. This marked a decrease from 2015, when there were 330 alcohol-related crashes and 11 fatalities from Friday, June 26, through Sunday, July 5, 2015. Also, during the holiday period last year, there were 101 drug-related crashes and four fatalities in those crashes, compared to 99 drug-related crashes and four fatalities in 2015.
Simply put, those numbers are frightening and absurd. As has been pointed out on this blog and elsewhere by sensible people, in the age of Uber, Lyft, taxis, designated drivers and mass transit, there is no excuse for DUI.
It is safe to assume that for the next several weeks, PA State Police will be out in full force cracking down on aggressive driving, DUI and issuing citations and warnings to those not wearing a safety belt. We encourage everyone to travel safely this summer season. #noDUIjuly #noDUIever