Happy 4th of July Weekend(s)!

So far, it’s been a busy summer here at the shop. Now as we we move into July, we would like to remind everyone to celebrate safely. There are effectively two 4th of July weekends this year and there is no doubt that we will all have our fill of fun, food and fireworks over the next 10 days or so. We would ask that those who are going to to be traveling to and from any Independence Day celebrations do so responsibly. Chiefly, if you are going to celebrate with adult beverages, make adult decisions. Don’t drink and drive. And remember, the PA State Police, Tredyffrin PD and Easttown PD do not care if you think you are “only a little buzzed.”
Now that our public service announcement is out of the way, please have a safe and Happy 4th of July. Please note that our shop will be closed on the 4th itself and we will be back open for regular hours on Thursday, July 5th.