Feeling Thankful at Conestoga Collision

If nothing else, 2020 gave us plenty to be thankful for. It’s true. Such is the nature of challenging times. It’s important to stop and count your blessings from time to time. It’s important to remember that there are always folks out there who are truly struggling. And, it’s always a good idea to remember the people who are in your corner every day. After all, the people are the best part of what we do and why we do it.
With that, we would like to express our thanks to all of our great customers from all over Chester County and the Main Line. Your trust and support this year is what keeps us in a position to keep our team working throughout this pandemic. We’d also like to recognize our great vendors and industry and community partners. We are proud to have you on our side! Most important, we have to recognize our team. The techs, estimators and staff who make this shop hum are truly unmatched. Period. Full stop. Thank you all for all you’ve done to help us succeed as a team this year in these abnormal times.
To all of you out there getting ready for Thanksgiving, yes, there will still be cars on the road this year trying to make it to a socially distanced visit at Grandma’s house. So, be safe on the roads. Try not to get too much gravy on your facemask and have a very very Happy Thanksgiving.