Best Way to Avoid an Accident During Winter Weather Emergency

Don’t Drive.
It would appear that we are going to get socked pretty hard tomorrow with snow. Big snow. Heavy, wet snow. Windy, blinding snow. Snow Emergency snow. As it looks now, this does not seem like it will pan out as a ho-hum type of snow event.
At Conestoga Collision, we tow vehicles from accident scenes caused in part by weather. We see the results of these types of accidents towed to our shop all of the time by other vehicles. Sometimes winter weather can sneak up on a driver and any of us can get caught on an untreated road or be surprised by black ice. However, there will be nothing sneaky or surprising about this weekend’s storm. The weather forecasters have been calling for roughly a foot of snow all week and for the last three days they have been consistent in their messaging regarding snowfall rates at 1-3″ per hour at some points during the storm. Snowfall rates such as these can turn recently cleared roads into hazards very quickly.
Again, unless you find yourself in the midst of an emergency this weekend, it is our recommendation, that you wait out the storm until PENNDOT has had ample time to clear primary and secondary roadways in Chester County and on the Main Line.
Best wishes and stay safe!