Attention Industry Professionals – We are Always Growing

Have we met? Maybe we should! Conestoga Collision is often looking for dedicated estimators, auto body / metal A-techs and, from time to time, paint techs as well. We may not always be hiring, but we are always growing. Our staff are top notch and they’ve taken the opportunity to grow as a team over the last decade to put us in a position to become one of the most trusted shops in the Delaware Valley. So, when we bring on a new team member, we are looking for the best. We look for folks who are open to coaching, training and know how to rise to a challenge.
Ready for a Transition
It’s tough to know, as a professional, when it is a good time for a transition in your life. Maybe now is not that time for you. But, that should not stop us from having an informal meeting. We’d love to have you on our radar for some time down the road when the time is right. That said, if that time is right now, then you should reach out to our office and we can discuss openings and see how we can best get a copy of your résumé.
If you are looking to operate at the highest levels of the collision and paint industry, it does not hurt to have a conversation. Give us a call today.