Back to School at Conestoga Collision

Even though the thermometer may beg to differ, it would appear that summer is making its exit by the looks of the school buses moving up and down Lancaster Ave. This week, the kids , faculty and staff in the Tredyffin-Easttown School District went back to school. As we manage to squeeze the remaining drops of summer fun out of one more long weekend this Labor Day weekend, we would like to wish all the students, families, faculty and staff at all of our great schools in the area a fantastic 2018-19 school year. We hope that it is a fun and successful one for all of you!
As a business that employs a number of responsible and dedicated drivers, we would like to give a special recognition to all of the school bus drivers in the area who do such a wonderful job getting our kids to and from school, practices, events and more throughout the school year. We would remind all area drivers to not only heed the stop signs and flashing lights when you encounter a bus at a stop in and around town, but also give the bus driver a brake in general when you see them throughout your neighborhood and beyond. This time of year, we begin to not only see the buses and crossing guards but also kids walking on the sides of roads. So, please be careful on your morning and evening commutes.
Our schools are one of the best parts of living and working in our community. Please join us in supporting them all year long!